Sunday, September 15, 2013

Henry Thoreau: Civil Disobedience

Henry Thoreau: Civil Disobedience
Henry Thoreau views toward the government was to have less government which is a lot like Lao-Tzu. Thoreau's famous quote, "That government is best which governs least." In Thoreau's opinion if there is too much government the people being governed will become no more than slaves. Thoreau believed that going against the government was the best way to get a better government for the future. He also believed that it was mans obligation or duty to be against the unjust laws by the government. Thoreau's view for the best form of patriotism was to resist and stand up against any immoral laws. He also felt, like Lao-Tzu, that the government was not a helping factor but more of a hindrance. Thoreau was more toward the individual than a large group and he thought it disgraceful if everyone didn't feel the same. Machiavelli would've strongly disagreed for he thought the government should control everything and make sure everything that needs to happen in society happened.  


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